Want to try my lovely nuts?

Since Seeley is on vacation, I decided to give her the week off and make a perfect snack for your New Year Party. In the spirit of it being her usual posting day, however, I’ll try to make her proud with a post containing as many euphemisms, puns, and double entendres as possible. What could possibly be better for that goal, than Sweet and Spicy Nuts?
I have to say, I really love nuts. I don’t necessarily care for nuts in stuff, but on their own, I’ll eat them for a snack anytime. Sweet, salty, spicy, or savory, I enjoy them all. This particular recipe combines all of those flavors for some seriously lip smacking nuts.
Here’s what you’ll need:
4 cups mixed nuts
3 Tablespoons oil (safflower or canola is best)
1 Tablespoon orange juice, fresh squeezed
1 Tablespoon honey
1 ½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon Worcestershire
5 teaspoons sugar
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon black pepper
½ teaspoon onion powder
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
¼ teaspoon dried thyme
½ teaspoon cumin
First thing you have to do is lube up a sheet pan. Drizzle on 2 Tablespoons of the oil.
Then spread it around so you have a nice even coating so your nuts won’t stick.
You can really use whatever kind of nuts you like. My nuts were fancy.
And then, because of my love of pistachios, I used some of those, as well.
I basically just cracked until my hands were tired, which gave me a total of about 4 cups of nuts.
Next comes the coating for the nuts. Whisk together the remaining 1 Tablespoon of oil, honey, orange juice, Worcestershire sauce, and 2 teaspoons of sugar.
I had to throw mine in the microwave for 10 seconds to thin the honey just slightly. Once those are combined, add 1 teaspoon of salt along with the rest of the spices, and stir it all together. You should still have ½ teaspoon of salt and 3 teaspoons of sugar reserved. Set them aside for now.
Now, put your nuts into a 1 gallon zip top bag.
Next, pour the liquid mixture over the top of your nuts.
Seal up the bag, inflating it slightly in the process.
Now take your nut sack and shake it until your nuts are evenly coated.
Empty your nuts onto the sheet pan and spread them around.
Into the oven for 15 minutes, stirring once in the middle.
Pull them out, sprinkle over the remaining sugar and salt, and back into the oven for another 15 minutes. Be sure to move your nuts around once or twice during that time. After that, your nuts should be nice and golden brown. For possibly the first time in your life you’re sure to utter the words, “Oh my god these nuts smell so good!” In fact, your whole house will smell like nuts.
Allow them to cool on the pan for a few minutes before piling them into a bowl. The perfect little snack for a New Year’s Eve party or just to munch on while watching tv. I promise you, these will be the most amazing nuts you’ve ever put in your mouth.
Well, we shall see, but I think Seeley will be impressed. Who knew I had it in me?