Well, we’ve made it through another year. We even survived the end of the Mayan calendar. Woohoo! Jumping on the resolution bandwagon, Seeley and I thought we’d post some goals we have for 2013. We’d love to hear about yours, as well.
What new recipe would you like to try?
Seeley - My new recipe isn't really a new one. It's just one I haven't made in a long time. Back when I lived on an island, there was this awesome little restaurant that had live local music on the weekends, a sushi bar, and some of the hugest salads you've ever seen on a single plate. I know, I know, restaurants that do a little bit of everything rarely do anything well, but this dip.... It's a baked cream cheese and spinach dip, (Taneasha's baked goat cheese dip reminded me about this one) with roasted garlic, and tiny chunks of brie. The brie gives it an amazing gooiness, and with a bit of French bread, it's the best hot spinach dip you've ever tasted. Totally need to make that one again.

Taneasha - As for me, I’d like to make a recipe for super soft sugar cookies. You know the ones I’m talking about that are usually topped with pink frosting. The problem with the ones you can buy is that they are loaded with hydrogenated oils, artificial colors and flavors, and preservatives. I want to make them without all that crap. It’ll take plenty of trial and error I’m sure, but I’ll be certain to share when I do get it right.
What new ingredient would you like to use?
Seeley - I've had a jar of dried lavender flowers in my spice cabinet for a few months now. I bought it because I could, and had no idea what to do with it. Still not sure. I've found a few recipes I'd like to try... a currant tart with lavender cream, lavender shortbread or sugar cookies, and one for roast lamb with lavender and rosemary.
Taneasha - I bought a bottle of rose water a while back, and have yet to actually use it. Seeley swears it’s amazing stuff. She’s already used it in her Yazdi Cakes, which look fabulous. I think I might try it some kind of quick bread or cake.

Which recipe would you like to make some changes to and try again?
Seeley - Tomatillo pie. This was a nice bit of win after the epic fail that the mesquite jelly was. Though, if I was able to follow instructions, it might have actually worked. The tomatillo pie totally worked though. But I want to mess with it. More fruit, less apple-y spice, a tillo and berry mixture with wild dewberries. Also, maybe a tart shape, or tiny individual ones, or turnovers; definitely turnovers. Gotta love a pie you can eat with one hand...

Taneasha - The cornstarch based frosting I made was fabulous, but I think I’d like to try it with other variations like chocolate, caramel, and other flavors. Plus, it’ll give me an excuse to make lots of different kinds of cake in the process.

Which recipe of Taneasha/Seeley’s would you like to try?
Seeley - Taneasha totally rocked the sweets this year with her awesome candy and chocolate recipes, but the ones that stood out for me were the savouries. Like the buffalo chicken stuffed shells. That was pure freaking genius. I mean, holy shit. I'm also fascinated by her baked onoins. Yes, they were just a topping, a part of a bigger, better recipe, but I'm pretty sure I could just eat a plate of those. And then a whole batch of oniony buttermilk biscuits.

Also, I made cheesy poof muffins. They are fucking awesome.

Taneasha - I have made Seeley’s crepes recipe I don’t know how many times, and I made chile verde just last night. Those are both from 2011, though. I have bought pinto beans and plan on making her refried beans, and those pear muffins are seriously calling to me.

Well, that wraps up 2012. We’d really like to see Authors Kitchen become a bit more interactive in 2013, so don’t hesitate to post in the comments section. Any questions, reviews of recipes you’ve made, and requests for specific things are always welcome. So don’t be shy. Seeley rarely bites... hard.
Happy New Year!!