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    Cover Me, I'm Going In

    You know how guacamole turns brown?

    I've tried keeping the pit in the container with it: doesn't work. Total bullshit; has to be some kind of urban legend.

    Add lime, you say? Totally did. Lots of it. It still went brown in the fridge overnight.

    I've tried an extra layer of lime juice on top. I've tried putting slices of lime on top. Neither worked. My lovely guac still oxidized into brown goo.

    Usually I press a bit of plastic wrap down onto the top surface of the guac before I put the lid on. This helps a bit, but since plastic wrap is actually slightly porous, there's always still a little bit of brown to scrape off.

    But this week, I ran out of plastic wrap. Crap.

    So, I tore off a chunk of foil and used it instead. I pressed it down against the flattened top of the guac, then put the lid on the container and fridged it.

    Holy crap it's still green! Two days later, my guac is as lovely as it was the minute I made it.

    Try it! Make guac! Cover it with foil! Tell me I'm not the only one this works for!



    Reader Comments (2)

    Such a helpful tip! I'm used to using plastic for probably everything I place inside my fridge and haven't really thought of buying foil. But now I will, thanks to you! I hope you keep posting tips.

    October 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHalley | Postcard Printing

    I simply cannot wait until someone stores guacamole with lime juice in a steel bowl with aluminum foil pressed down onto the guacamole's surface. Galvanic corrosion, here we come.

    October 22, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterthe recipe guy

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